duminică, 20 martie 2011

My masterpiece

I have no comments on this one (except I'm SOOO PROUD OF MYSELF !!!) ... I'll let my friend SljSlj talk about this:
"This morning, at around 4 AM my time, 2 PM for AmVirusi (if my math is correct), I came crawling to her feet with a request: "Oh, mighty AmVirusi. Use your incredible talent to craft me a picture of ungodly magnitude." and guess what? She came through. She spent 7 hours talking to me about what exactly I wanted and drawing me a picture to my specifications.
As some of you may know, I'm attempting to record and make copies of an album out of my own pocket by the end of this year. The album will use both my own talent and resources and a little assistance from those willing over the internet. The first of these people is AmVirusi, who just created my album artwork. "

joi, 17 martie 2011

My first Photoshop attempt

It's my first attempt to draw in photoshop ... and.. it's pretty hard to draw using the mouse ...
Each one took me like 1 hour... but... what the hell... I'm sooo proud of myself (YEEEEY)